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Business Q&A with Carly Low from Fair & Square Soapery

Business Q&A with Carly Low from Fair & Square Soapery

Business Q&A with Carly Low

Today we will be sharing the story of how Fair & Square began and how Carly has turned it into a business that has created a “lifestyle business, where I still have the time to spend with my family”. Carly has taken the time to answer all of our questions beautifully and I’m very excited to share them with you. Whether you’re 1 year into business or 10, there are definitely points to be taken away from this article that I believe can help any small business move forwards.

Tell us about how and why Fair & Square came about?

Fair + Square began as a hobby back in 2008, I have always enjoyed making things from scratch. The journey of learning a craft, with all the failures and experiments is such a joy to me and it was really by accident that it turned into a proper business over the last decade. I liked the idea that I could make my own products, and choose the best ingredients for both our bodies and the environment.

Coconut Milk Baby Shampoo Soap by Fair + Square Soapery Coconut Milk Baby Shampoo Soap by Fair + Square Soapery
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Coconut Milk Baby Shampoo Soap by Fair + Square Soapery
Sale Price: NZ$9.99 Original Price: NZ$13.00

What was the hardest part about making sure it’s sustainable and you’re not falling into the category of ‘green washing’?

I think being open and transparent, and taking responsibility in everything you do is crucial to running a successful e-commerce business. And that isn't easy, the simplest option is very rarely the most sustainable one, so finding the best options can be a long and arduous task. 

From the design of the recipe without palm oil (palm oil is cheap and actually one of the best oils for making soap which is why you see it everywhere, but unfortunately of course terrible in so many ways for the environment), to increasing raw material product size in order to reduce excess smaller packaging, all takes time and money. For example, I used to buy my olive oil in 20L plastic drums, but over the years slowly saved enough to start buying in 200L steel drums, which then saves me using 10x plastic containers for every large drum. That economy of scale doesn't happen quickly for a small business, where profits are really slim. So the challenge is always present.

It took me ten years to get to the point where I could afford to purchase in large quantities and use the ingredients in a suitable time frame to keep it fresh. But I think as long as you are committed to continuous improvement, are transparent about what you do, and be open about where you want to be, then your customer can have trust in you doing the best that you can, in your situation. No one expects you to be perfect, but they do expect you to strive for improvement.

What is the most challenging part of starting your own business?

Trying to navigate the online experience for my digital customers. My soaps in stores sell really well due to the scent and the beautiful packaging, people can pick them up, smell them and the sale is easy. But selling online is a whole different game. I want to increase my direct to customer sales and so have just started an e-commerce training course this year which is proving to be super helpful. It's been a real eye-opener and I'm super excited to see where it takes me this year!

What tips would you give to somebody who wants to start an ‘Eco Business’ but has no idea where to start?

“Aces in their places” has been one of the best pieces of advice for me. Do what you do well, and build a team of like-minded people who share your vision and are the best at what they do. Don't try to do it all yourself, it will be so hard to move ahead. Also, "Identify the essential, eliminate the rest", which for me means bringing everything around my core values of simplicity and quality, and letting go of everything that is not serving that purpose. Strive for continuous improvement, but don't let perfection be the enemy of good enough. Have a willingness to listen to your customer with openness and leave all ego at the door. If you get discouraged by criticism, it will be very hard to move forward, so receive any negatives with gratitude, and take it as a chance to do better and learn. 

What’s one thing that happened recently that you’re proud of?

Our new packaging has been such a rollercoaster over the last 2 years. We have gone through so many setbacks trying to get the right card stock that is home compostable, but also has the particular look, feel and colours that we wanted. We had no idea when we started out that it would be such a hard road, and to finally have it in my hands was the biggest relief and joy. It seems like such a small part, but we really wanted to get it right, because I know first impressions have such power in a crowded industry. But with my designer pushing and not compromising on quality and sustainability, we finally got there.

 What do you want from the future of Fair & Sqaure?

I want to continue as I am now, without the push to grow bigger and bigger. If my business can support myself and a couple of other local people, then that is success in my book. I want a lifestyle business, where I still have the time to spend with my family and do the things I love. What I don't want is to grow to a point where I lose the passion for soap making, creating and connecting with like-minded people. Fair + Square for me is a way to live a simple life that brings meaning and purpose to my life, and happiness to my customers.

Product Highlight. What’s your Favourite and Why?

My favourite bar is the Daily Detox face wash bar. I use this as an all-over body bar as well because it is so luxurious and silky. I love the smell too, being quite a strong herbal scent with tea tree, rosemary, lavender & clary sage, it just reminds me of working in the garden. As a face bar, it really cleans well without stripping your natural oils, and the activated charcoal really helps to draw out any impurities in my skin. 

Daily Detox Face Wash by Fair + Square Soapery Daily Detox Face Wash by Fair + Square Soapery
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Daily Detox Face Wash by Fair + Square Soapery
Only 1 left in stock

Thank you Carly Low,

I hope you enjoyed the read. I found it super useful from my small business perspective to hear from somebody who has been making something she loves for the past 10 years!


Each month throughout 2022 we will be sharing one of our favourite ‘highlight brands’ and their story via our Business Q&A’s. Don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list so you don’t miss any.

Love Annie // @ethicallyso


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