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So Why Exactly Does Plastic Suck?

The Good and The Not So Good

Plastic can be pretty much impossible to avoid, yet it is leaking nasty toxins into our drinks and food. Not only is the fact it stays on the planet forever really rubbish, but the fact that it is made from oil sucks even more.

2020 The Year of Change | AWWA Period-Proof Underwear

There are fires all over Africa, Australia and South America, floods all over America and Europe, and Plastic Waves all over the world. People are finally starting to wake up, and realise that our actions as humans have consequences. We are on a mission to cut down on waste and over production, and we have limited time to spread the message.

The Gift Guide | Stay Eco this Season

The Christmas Gift Guide

Gift Kits Ready To Go & Be Eco this Christmas

That time of year has come around again so quickly, and it’s more important now than ever that we make conscious decisions when it comes to purchasing products. Christmas is that one time of year where plastic waste just goes into complete over drive. Here at Ethically So. we are on a mission to show you that it is possible to get epic gifts for those you love without damaging our planet and buying products that have a long lasting effect on our environment.